Working Out From Home? We Have A Workout For You.

As someone who usually goes to the gym 3-4 times a week, not having the ability to go to the gym has been rough.

A lot of personal trainers and Gyms have been posting workouts that you can do from home to get your heart rate up and blood pumping. So why not give them a try!

Workouts Below:

Message from Brian:

Here is a workout from Brian Smith, a Sports Performance Coach on Instagram.

All body weight! Just because you’re stuck inside doesn’t mean you can’t workout!!

Get moving!!

3-4 rounds of each superset. 12-15 reps for upper body and 20+ for the core exercise

 Superset  - alternating sets of two different exercises with no rest in between. For example, doing a set of biceps curls and a set of triceps dips, alternating until you've completed all the sets. according to

1A) Spider-Man push-up
1B) Toe touches

2A) Couch skull crushers??
2B) Bicycles (go slow/control it)

3A) Pike push up?? No idea what they are called. (Targeting shoulders in this exercise)
3B) Heels to Heaven

Finisher: 3-4 rounds
Plank walks with 20-30 mountain climbers, plank walks with 10 downward dogs

Brian has other "Home Workouts" that you can try too: